Tatah Mlola

Tatah manages the office in Arusha, Tanzania. He is Tanzanian raised on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, and has been residing in the Maasai District of Monduli for the past fifteen years.

After the inception of cultural tourism programme in Tanzania in 1996, he coordinated cultural activities for about five years in the villages of Mto wa Mbu, beside the highway to the famous game sanctuaries of Ngorongoro and Serengeti. Within this time, he was elected onto the executive committee of Tanzania Association of Cultural Tourism Organizers, with a portfolio of information and public relations. From this experience, Tatah acquired profound skills to develop People to P eople Safaris.

This experience has been enhanced by the background of his profession as a history tutor and travel journalist. Tatah has recently completed a book on the tribal cultures of northern Tanzania.

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